Transforming Maritime's image from a dirty polluting industry into a driving force in global emissions reduction is a bold task requiring bold leaders. Accepting the Challenge at CMA 2019 together with Skysail Advisors Ltd were Alexander Saverys of CMB; Paolo d'Amico, Chairman of INTERTANKO and d’Amico Shipping Group; Martin Crawford-Brunt of RightShip; and Matthieu de Tugny of Bureau Veritas. These are companies which have been around for many generations - two of them for over 100 years - yet which are not afraid to innovate, adapt their business models to succeed and to build a better world for our children and grandchildren. Thank you to James Lawrence and Lorraine Parsons for the honor of moderating this panel, to Arlie Sterling and Nikos Petrakakos for sharing their expertise on IMO2020 and the competitive advantages of efficient ships, and to Marcy Murninghan on the power of social impact investing. #cmashipping2019#AcceptTheChallenge#adapttothrive
